Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The ultimate comprehensive english/Chinese dictionary of chinese furniture vocabulary and terms

The specialists guide to Chinese antiques.
August 3, 2010 3:22 am
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The ultimate comprehensive english/Chinese dictionary of chinese furniture vocabulary and terms

I have seen this list floating around on the internet (though I have no idea where it originally came from). Though some terms are region-specific, its nevertheless very comprehensive with over 450 different terms.

Chinese Pinyin English
朵云双螭纹 duǒ yún shuāng chī wén Cloud surrounded by confronting dragons motif.

In order to make it a bit more user friendly I have a) added Hanyu pinyin pronunciations and b) reorganized the list itself according to specific categories. Trust me when I say this was no easy task! There are also links to pronunciation via the MDBG Chinese-English dictionary wordpress plugin. Though far from perfect, I hope this is a useful guide to anyone working with Chinese antique furniture. The list is broken down as follows:

Decorative Beading and Molding Names

Chinese Pinyin English
冰盘沿 bīng pán yán Ice-plate edge. General term for allinward-sloping mouldings.
打洼 dǎ Concave moulding; also called aomian or wamian.
灯草线 dēng cǎo xiàn Beading, a rounded moulding.Dengcao
瓜棱线 guā léng xiàn Melon-shaped moulding, a ridge-shaped moulding used on legs. (When the leg is seen in section, it resembles the section of a fluted melon.) It is often found on waistless square tables and round-corner cabinets. Also called
剑脊棱 jiàn jǐ léng Sword-ridge moulding. Moulding which slopes downwards from a central ridge. Lu Ban jing (Lu Ban’s Classic) calls it jianjixian.
拦水线 lán shuǐ xiàn Water-stopping moulding. High moulding around the edge of a table to prevent spilt water or wine from soiling the user’s clothes.
两柱香 liǎng zhù xiāng Two-incense-stick beading. Double row of beading down the centre of the leg of a recessed-leg table.
劈料 pī liào Split moulding. Convex moulding made from a single piece of wood which is usually divided evenly into two (also three or four in late Qing times) segments.
皮条线 pí tiáo xiàn Leather-strip moulding. Moulding which is rather flat and broad.
皮条线加洼儿 pí tiáo xiàn jiā wā ér Leather-strip moulding and beaded moulding with concave centre.
起边线 qǐ biān xiàn Edge beading.
双混面压边线 shuāng hún miàn yā biānxiàn Double convex moulding with flat edges.
甜瓜棱: tián guā léng Melon-shaped moulding. See瓜棱线.
洼面 wā miàn Concave moulding; also aomian or dawa.
委角线 wěi jiǎo xiàn Indented corner moulding.
线脚 xiàn jiǎo Moulding. General term for all types of moulding.
(xian) xián (xian)wén String moulding, on round stools.
一炷香 yī zhù xiāng One-incense-stick beading. Single row of beading down the centre of the leg of a recessed-leg table.
凹面 āo miàn Concave moulding
亚边线 yà biān xiàn Flat edges of a moulding.
拧麻花 níng má huā Twisted rope pattern. Form of moulding resembling a fried dough twist; also called shengwen.
托腮 tuō sāi Stepped apron moulding. Term used in the Qing Regulations and by craftsmen for a moulding between the waist and the apron, which may be in one with the apron or made from a separate piece of wood.

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