The specialists guide to Chinese antiques
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March 13, 2012 10:06 am
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Buying classical antiques - a look at whats in the Beijing antique markets at this moment
The Chinese new year has passed and the weather is warming! The peasants sellers from the countryside are gradually returning and bringing with them, the years new shipments of Chinese classical and provincial antiques collected from their home towns and villages. Some interesting things! As always though, the field narrows and there are general trends to be aware of this year: Here are some of the items for sale which catch my eye in the antique markets at the particular moment. For a look at the complete collection of click here to enter our image gallery (1) or here to enter the 2nd gallery. Though technically a softwood, its is often treated as a hardwood and as the Chinese have peaked their interest in cedar wood (known in Chinese as nan mu 楠木) prices have risen significantly. Cedar has become one of the more valued of the varies woods used in Chinese furniture. This particular wedding trunk from Shanghai would originally have been a brighter color. Over the years exposure to sunlight and the elements have caused the lacquer to gradually turn a deep burgundy color. The dragons, butterflies and double happiness symbols give clues as to its use as a dowry gift to a newly wed couple. Shanxi, Pingyao, the last walled city in China has its own unique history concerning lacquer, going back well over 1200 years to the tang dynasty. Painstaking and time consuming lacquering techniques such as “push-light lacquer (推光漆器) and “Da Qi (大漆) produce the superior smooth glossy finishes and bright colors that are often seen on Shanxi furniture. Known in Chinese as a "work table" (工桌) a vendor would have stood behind or beside it. They are often found in places like Gansu and Mongolia. The colors and motifs on this one point less to Mongolia and more to Gansu. Click here to continue on to our site and read the rest of this article…
For a look at the complete collection of click here to enter our first gallery or here to enter the 2nd gallery.
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